Mk business

How to start
a Modular Kitchen business without any big investment.

Learn from the expert


Growing Industry

Time freedom

No Inventory required

Free Consultation Call

We will discuss about the Modular Kitchen Industry.
We will try to understand is it suitable business for you and learn how can you start the business without any high Investment.

About Rohit

Mr. Rohit Bagh is the Co-founder of Designera.
He has the experience of 10 years in modular kitchen and home decoration industry.
He is very passionate for his goal to revolutionized the modular kitchen Industry with his Modular Kitchen Design Experts Community.


Free Consultation call is for

People who are looking for a profitable business opportunity.

What Is In Strategic Call?

Total Value - 5,000

get this now
for FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

Modular Kitchen is a well organized Kitchen using modules of furniture and cabinets to utilize the maximum space of the kitchen and to enhance the look of the kitchen.

You can join the meeting by following steps >>

  1. Click on Book a free consultation call button 
  2. Share your contact details then submit 
  3. Join the whatsApp Community to get a meeting link 
  4. Schedule the meeting 

We are trying to provide you 5000 rupee  of  valued for free of cost. Which is not possible with visiting.

If you want to take further services we can visit your site with a nominal visiting charge according to you location.

  1. Because It has estimated growth of 30% per annum
  2. No Inventory required.
  3. High case flow
  4. Excellent ROI
  5. Less Men power required

It’s a great business opportunity for the people with required skills.

It’s a very awesome business to work you just need some knowledge and skills mentioned below-

  1. Basic knowledge of Materials and trends.
  2. Designing a Kitchen and drawer arrangement.
  3. Measurement 
  4. Labor management
  5. Budgeting and quotation creation
  6. Negotiation

Don’t worry this all are easy to learn skills  if you  get a good guidance.

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